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Wouldn't you love a meaningful, fulfilling life in a world where both communities and the planet were healthy?

You're not alone! In fact, recent studies show that a large and rapidly growing number of Americans are re-organizing their lives to reclaim core values such as:


people's rightsa healthy planet  

relationships | meaningful work

alternative health care | personal growth

quality education | thriving communities


And many of them are succeeding! Our mission, here at GreenSense, is to find these successes and make them available to you. And, of course, you're invited to share yours. That's how we all learn. A large part of our site is devoted to information resources, in the form of  ideas, and practical information.

But that's not all. For a wonderful life on a beautiful planet, we also need access to stuff that won't hurt the planet (or us!) when we use it. So, we built the GreenSense General Store, where you can find a variety of earth-friendly products and gifts.

In our store, we favor small businesses committed to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. Our goal is to give you the greatest possible personal, environmental, and social value for every dollar you spend.

Finally, since we don't carry everything in our store, you'll find a great collection of sources for other green products, screened so that each purchase you make will be a vote for a cleaner environment and a better workplace.

Take the tour:


The GreenSense Directory is our collection of hundreds of annotated links to specific articles, located both on the web and here at GreenSense. Most of the articles we link to are offsite, but a growing number are published here. Local articles are accessible from the GreenSense Directory, or  you can find them all together in the Features section of our site.

To help you find your way around, We've sorted our directory collection into these categories:

Action -About current social, political, and economic forces and what you can do to change them.  

Balance - Personal harmony leads to energy, which, enhances not just our lives, but also the lives of everyone we meet. Here you'll find articles about beauty, art, love, spirituality, health, etc..

Family - Green parenting is economical, conserving of resources, and by its nature, encourages children to love the earth. We cover topics like Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding, Getting Along, Kid's Health, Learning, Media, Sleep, etc..

 Living - Practical, everyday stuff - simplicity, cooking, crafting, composting, foraging, frugality, gardening, green building, meditation, fun, fitness, health, learning, parenting, saving energy, and more...

Market - Our collection of extraordinary green products and services, provided by individuals and companies committed to sustainability

Models - These folks have got it working. Try it in your town! Green Maps, Yellow Bikes, Toxic Turnaround, Biomass Gas, Industrial Symbiosis, Strawbale Construction, Urban Agriculture, Local Currency and much more...

 Sites - Most of our links go directly to specific pages of information.  Links in this section go to entire sites promoting sustainability in lifestyles, communities, nations, and the economy 

 Vision - Inspiring thoughts and ideas about Gaia, World Trade, Communication, Simplicity, Sustainability, Sprawl, Taxes, Democracy and more...

 Work - "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi



We hope you will enjoy your visit ....and that you will find some information you can use. We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. If you come across a webpage you think would be useful, we'd love to hear about it. Of course, if you discover a "broken" link, or other problem anywhere at GreenSense, we'd very much appreciate it if you let us know.


Alan, Jessica, Aaron, & Ilana Wagener

Copyright © 1997-2006 by Alan Wagener.







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