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About GreenSenseThis site grew out of our efforts to educate ourselves. We want our children to grow up in a world that is becoming more beautiful, more peaceful, more in harmony with nature, so we've been out exploring, looking for ways to help it happen. Our approach is global, in more ways than one: we figure it's easier to care for the environment if we feel great and get along with each other than if we don't, so we seek out personal and family growth information as well as tips on topics like energy conservation and global action. We share what we have found hoping that you will find some of it useful. We hope you will enjoy your visit ....and that you will find some information you can use. We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. If you come across a webpage you think would be useful, we'd love to hear about it. Of course, if you discover a "broken" link, or other problem anywhere at GreenSense, we'd very much appreciate it if you let us know. Please contact us here. Sincerely,
Alan, Jessica, Aaron, & Ilana Wagener
Copyright © 1997-2006 by Alan Wagener .
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