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GreenSense DirectorySustainability
A Sustainable Living Library - - A bibliography of books and essays relating to sustainable living- Everything from Edward Abbey's, Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness, to Gerardo Zampaglione, The Idea of Peace in Antiquity. [23k] ***
A Sustainable Living Library - - A bibliography of books and essays relating to sustainable living- Everything from Edward Abbey's, Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness, to Gerardo Zampaglione, The Idea of Peace in Antiquity. [23k]
All-Consuming Passion: Some Numbers... - - More is less and less is more? Here are some numbers to back it up.
Declaration of Sustainability - - 7:38 PM 9/22/99 OFFLINE (We're trying to find the new address.)- A long-term, practical look at what we need to do to create a sustainable society. Paul Hawken outlines twelve steps including: "Take back the charter" (corporations), "Adjust price to reflect cost". (real costs), " Throw out and replace the entire tax system."...and more. Includes practical suggestions you can follow to speed up the process. (36k)
Green quotes for inspiration - - Words to ponder by Barry Commoner, Paul Ehrlich, Herman Daly, Hunter Lovins, Max Plank, Lao Tse, Goethe, and others. (4k)
Humane Sustainable Culture - - A clear definition of sustainability by
The Original Ten Key Values - - of the Green Committees of Correspondence. Charlene Spretnak poses a series of questions for each value, i.e., under the heading Ecological Wisdom, some of the questions are: How can we operate human societies with the understanding that we are part of nature, not on top of it? How can we live within the ecological and resource limits of the planet, applying our technological knowledge to the challenge of an energy-efficient economy? How can we build a better relationship between cities and countryside?, and more. (8k)