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GreenSense DirectorySprawl
So What Can We Do -- Really Do -- About Sprawl? - - Donella Meadows succintly summarizes a set of suggestions made by Eben Fodor, in his book Better, Not Bigger. ***
The Problem with Paving - - These folks want to put a stop to paving. After looking at these fact sheets, you'll know why, and also why just saying "no" to paving could have a profoundly positive effect on both environment and quality of life. Direct links to each factsheet: #1 The Problem with Paving, #2 A Positive Alternative, #3 Why Transportation Shouldn't Be Cars, #4 Fossil Fuels Dead End - Collapse doesn't mean doom & gloom.
Bad Car-ma? (The ULS Report - July-August 1997 - Vol. 4 No. 4) - - All about cars- their many costs, and some revealing (and quotable) statistics their "benefits".
Home From Nowhere - - An Atlantic Monthly article by James Howard Kunstler. A detailed vision of a better way to design our communities.
So What Can We Do -- Really Do -- About Sprawl? - - Donella Meadows succintly summarizes a set of suggestions made by Eben Fodor, in his book Better, Not Bigger.
Thinking Globally; Acting Locally - - Here's a new way to look at cars: By modifying car use in your community, you can
Find out how.
Who pays for sprawl? - - Do you love suburban sprawl? If you're like most people, probably not. Then why does it keep spreading? Because you and I are subsidizing it. Read the details here. (13k)