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GreenSense DirectoryEarth
Recalling Celilo - - Elizabeth Woody evokes the great waterfall which once stood on the Columbia River.
The Paradise Paradigm - - Where did that Garden go, anyway? The paradise paradigm proposes that human civilization began as a consequence of finding an ecologically rich and supportive environment and recognizing its value - and then destroying it, not once, but many times, in many localities. And sometimes learning how NOT to destroy it. With comments on how this all applies today. ***
A Hopi Prophecy - - Thinking about the millenium? Consider this...
Rewiring the World with Clean Energy - - Here's a clever set of interactive and mutually-reinforcing strategies designed to greatly accelerate the fight against global warming and, coincidently, provide a worldwide economic boom.
A Special Moment in History - - By Bill Mckibben. Both Global warming and population growth are forces causing profound changes in our environment. What happens when their effects interact? (A three part article.) Past articles from The Atlantic are included as well, among them, "Do We Consume Too Much?" (1997) by Mark Sagoff, "Can Selfishness Save the Environment?" (1993) by Matt Ridley and Bobbi Low, "The Great Climate Flip-flop" by William H. Calvin (1998), and "No Middle Way on the Environment" by Paul R. Ehrlich and others. (39k, part 1).
EARTHDANCE: Living Systems in Evolution - - by Elizabeth Sahtouris, with an introduction by James Lovelock, the originator of the Gaia Hypothesis. This is a story about human life in its proper context- nature. The entire is book online.
Earth Prayer & The Sunset - - By Black Elk.
Gaia - - An inspiring introduction to the hypothesis of Earth as a living being, by James Lovelock. Archived at Selena Sol's Digital Soul.
Recalling Celilo - - Elizabeth Woody evokes the great waterfall which once stood on the Columbia River.
Resource Depletion/Donella Meadows - - This article points out a dangerous flaw in the logic of popular strategies for dealing with resource depletion.
Technology and the Other War - - (The 10,000 year-old one.) An Address by Daniel Quinn for the Carnegie Mellon University Student Pugwash Annual Conference, September 1997. [29k]
The Paradise Paradigm - - Where did that Garden go, anyway? The paradise paradigm proposes that human civilization began as a consequence of finding an ecologically rich and supportive environment and recognizing its value - and then destroying it, not once, but many times, in many localities. And sometimes learning how NOT to destroy it. With comments on how this all applies today.
The Sperm of New York Men is Not the Issue - - Donella Meadows commentary on "Our Stolen Future," the controversial books about omnipresent chemicals that are turning out to have hormone mimicking effects. More by Ms. Meadows here.