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GreenSense DirectoryConversation
Listening Circles - - "Linearity gets us from A to B. Its dangers become clear when we arrive at B burdened down with unexpected problems and side-effects -- or when we suddenly realize we shouldn't be going to B at all. Clearly, we need some other (or at least additional) approach for making our way through life.." [10k]
The Tragedy of the Coastal Commons - - "A unique, virtual space for conversations about sustaining our coastal resources. An interactive web site to be extended by the contributions of each visitor. A place to express divergent viewpoints for everyone interested in coastal fisheries." ***
It All Began in a Fertilizer Factory - - Re-discovered: an ancient way for groups to come to harmonious decisions.
Listening Circles - - "Linearity gets us from A to B. Its dangers become clear when we arrive at B burdened down with unexpected problems and side-effects -- or when we suddenly realize we shouldn't be going to B at all. Clearly, we need some other (or at least additional) approach for making our way through life.." [10k]
Reinventing Democracy - - Learn about, and comment on a proposed "Wisdom" Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Tragedy of the Coastal Commons - - "A unique, virtual space for conversations about sustaining our coastal resources. An interactive web site to be extended by the contributions of each visitor. A place to express divergent viewpoints for everyone interested in coastal fisheries."