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My WTO Experience - - by Paul Hawken. A powerful tale: A visceral account of what went on, and an inspiring view of its significance. ***
100 Ways to Use Prices to Prevent Pollution (fwd) - - Pollution Fees, "Green " Taxes, User Fees, and more, this article outlines a variety of powerful strategies for improving the environment. Great ammunition for your next local government council meeting or letter to your state or federal representative. (20k)
A Citizen Agenda - - to Tame Corporate Power, Reclaim Citizen Sovereignty, and Restore Economic Sanity, by David Korten, author of
Environmental and Financial Performance Literature - - Does Pro-environmental behavior by corporations pay off? Donald P. Cram
(MIT Sloan School of Management) and Dinah Koehler (Harvard School of Public Health) are writing a review paper on the topic. This is their listing of papers.[23k]
Keeping America Safe From Democracy - - This report, by PR Watch, describes an insidious new lobbying tool devised by PR organizations to be used on behalf of their corporate clients. It's derived from the principles of 1960's grassroots organizing. The folks at PR Watch call it "astroturf organizing"
Let's Try Something Radical. Like a Market Economy - - David Korten's plenary address to the Peoples' Summit 1997 (TOES97). Explains the difference between the "market economy" G7 leaders celebrate in their speeches and the monopolistic economy that actually exists.
Mexican Indians Say No to Development - - The Zapatista uprising in the province of Chiapas in Mexico exemplifies the new grassroots coalitions that are emerging
worldwide in response to the dehumanizing effects of development
My WTO Experience - - by Paul Hawken. A powerful tale: A visceral account of what went on, and an inspiring view of its significance.
Natural Capitalism: The Book - - Now you can read Paul Hawken's groundbreaking work online. The full title is: Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. It's by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. The thesis is that there doesn't need to be a conflict between industry and life - There are ways to create a synergy between the two. There are excerpts online and the entire book can be downloaded in PDF format.
Natural Capitalism - - The classic article by Paul Hawken. NOTE: Best viewed with image loading turned off to eliminate the hard-on the-eyes background.
Some Food for Thought. Please Chew Thoroughly. - - Gil Friend has compiled a collection of sustainability-oriented design suggestions for business and industry. (7k)
The NGO Forum at the 4th World Conference for Women in Beijing - - An inspiring account by Sheryl Karas. (17k).
The World Transformed - - A powerful, important online book about how "global economic changes impact on the lives of women, how women are responding by linking up across borders to challenge the power of transnational corporations". The book tells how, in the process, women are "articulating a vision of a new society free of exploitation and subordination by race, class and gender" (from the introduction). The book is built around 14 interviews with women and men actively involved in the transformation. Click above for the introduction. What I Learned in the Rainforest - - A keynote address to the World Future Society on July 19, 1997, by Tachi Kiuchi, Managing Director of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (A different Mitsubshi...), An inspiring account of how some school children and a misunderstanding led to a personal and corporate transformation. For the nuts and bolts of how other companies might do the same, see these articles
For a list of related articles and reports you can purchase, click here.