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GreenSense DirectorySites
Education Atlas - Online Map to Education, Online Degrees and Distance Learning - - A very handy tool, including a category for Homeschooling. Note: Since 2014, only available from archive.org. Still useful, since many of the sites it references are still available. *** Alliance for the Wild Rockies - - Alliance for the Wild Rockies works to protect the wildland ecosystems of the Northern Rocky Mountains.
Also, check out the Wild Rockies Slate for up to date information about environmental issues in the northern Rockies. The Slate supports the work of grassroots environmental organizations and activists as they strive to protect the resources that make the Wild Rockies so unique.
Green America, formerly Co-op America, is a non-profit whose mission is to harness economic power (the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace) to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
Craft Exchange - - Why not make some gifts this year? A homemade gift means more- to both giver and receiver. Here's a good place to start looking for ideas. Over 200 people from all over the world contributed to this database of almost 300 craft projects. Note: Now only available via Archive.org, and sadly, minus the images. Nonetheless, still worth a look.
Earth Renewal - - exists in the hope that information technology will be used to renew mankind rather than become an instrument of its destruction. It has over 1,000 external links and 170 pages in areas ranging from Art to World History and over 60 original essays, articles and reviews. Some topics: helping children with AIDS, environmentalism, health, politics and social activism.
EcoFuture - - An informative and beautiful site dedicated to the idea that " that people can meet all their real needs in the 1990s while still preserving the health and beauty of this planet for future generations". Planet keepers has an extensive set of links to directories, information sites, and organizations.
EcoLinks - - At Ecomall.
Education Atlas - Online Map to Education, Online Degrees and Distance Learning - - A very handy tool, including a category for Homeschooling. Note: Since 2014, only available from archive.org. Still useful, since many of the sites it references are still available.
Envirolink - - Created in 1991 by Josh Knauer, while he was a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University, Envrolink is a "grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in almost every country in the world".
Environment and Climate Change Canada - - Focussed on Canada, but applicable elsewhere i.e., the U.S. as well, for comparing both threats to our environment and responses to those threats. It's mission is "protecting and conserving our natural heritage, and ensuring a clean, safe and sustainable environment for present and future generations".
Frugal Corner - - An early 2000's site devoted to collecting resources for pursuing frugality and a simpler way of life. A distilled version of GreenSense, the links on Frugal Corner go beyond saving money to consider "time, drains on your mental, physical, and spiritual energy, general quality of life, and the environment." Note: Only available on archive.org. Some of the resources on this site are no longer wirh us. That's not a problem, though, because often they are archived as well and your click will take you to the archived site or page.
Frugal Living Resources - - - Another turn of the century site with grass-roots tips on living simply, many of them, like the site itself, now only available on the Internet Archive.
Global Energy Marketplace - - A searchable database of more than 2500 energy efficiency and renewable energy annotated Web links. Some of the information in this 2004 archive will be obsolete, but others, still useful, like this page of Renewable Carbon resources, (like charcoal and activated charcoal). For example, this UN FAO Forestry book, Simple technologies for charcoal making, with detailed descriptions of charcoal making around the world, or this article by Dan Gill, explaining how he makes high-quality charcoal for his BBQ.
Lather Land - - Elaine White's soapmaking website. In this archive from 2005, You'll find free soap recipes & directions to make bar soap, soapmaking books for sale, and a nice collection of soapmaking-related links.
Leea's Home Page - - A huge number of links to free sites, kid's sites, teen sites, castle sites, just plain fun sites, and more in this 2005 archive of the now-vanished site..
More Frugal Living Resources - - A 2006 archive of a down-to-earth collection of ways to live better for less. Buying and gathering food, transportation, home decorating, clothing, entertaining, education, and most important, that will help you make a better life - no matter what your income.
SOAR Searchable Online Archive of Recipes - - Whether you're stumped for what to cook for dinner, or looking for a very specific type of recipe, the Searchable Online Archive of Recipes is a great place to start. It's a volunteer-run database holding close to 70,000 recipes, categorized by type of dish (main dish, soup, dessert, etc.), Season, diet (veg, gluten-free, etc.), region and ethnicity.
Smart Communities Network - - A promising effort of the U.S. Department of Energy that disappeared in mid-to-late 2004 (RIP) and is now only available as an archive. It was (and still is) a nice reposiory of guiding principles, success stories, model codes and ordinances, planning tools, metrics models, and more in areas like land use, green building and development, disaster planning, municipal energy, transportation, business, finance, rural issues, air and water quality and more.
The Co-Intelligence Institute - - An archive of The Co-Intelligence Institute, which focuses on catalyzing co-intelligence - the ways that groups of people, in communities, business and government can work together and combine their individual "smarts" to find even "smarter" solutions to problems they are facing. They research, network, advocate, and help organize experiments and conversations in order to weave what is possible into new, wiser forms of civilization.
The Context Institute - - is exploring and clarifying just what is involved in a humane sustainable culture - and how we can get there.
Use Less Stuff - - The ULS Report is a bi-monthly newsletter created to help people Use Less Stuff by conserving resources and reducing waste. It takes a common-sense approach to waste prevention, relying on facts and figures rather than simply rising and falling with the tides of public opinion.
The People Centered Development Forum - - A vision of how to create a society organized around the principles of Justice, Inclusiveness and Sustainability. An archive from 2005.
The Rain Forest Action Network - - Rainforest Action Network campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through grassroots organizing, education and non-violent direct action. These are the floks who stopped Burger King from importing rainforest beef and shamed Home Depot into agreeing to stop using products from endangered forests.
The Rocky Mountain Institute - - A non-profit devoted to decarbonizing energy systems through rapid, market-based change.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Environment - All Links - - Useful and informative web sites on environmental topics.
Vegetarian Pages - - an independent, definitive Internet guide for vegetarians, vegans and others.