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Carrollogos - Can You CC License Music and Still Make Money - - Yes. How much? A lot.
Fish technology draws renewable energy from slow water currents - University of Michigan News - - VIVACE is hydroelectric technology that doesn't require dams, is harmless to marine life and works in areas with currents too slow for other hydroelectric generators.
Immigrant Moms Were Told They Cant Have Jobs - So They Started Their Own Tamale Co-op - - Un-documented immigrants escaping exploitation at home, arrive here and face more exploitation from employers. Not these women. They can't be legally employed, so they started their own business, a worker's cooperative
In Concord, the new price of literary luster -0- The Boston Globe - - No small press makes much money... Why don't we just try to inspire generosity instead?
Strategies for Financing the Inclusive Economy - - - Part 3 of a three part pdf series on broad-based ownership models (Coops, Esops, CDFIs, municipal ownership, etc.) Parts one and two are linked on the page.
Video- Break the Chains, Build Local Power - Institute for Local Self-Reliance - - If you're not already familiar with the Institute for Local Self Reliance, this is a great introduction.
Vortex Bladeless - No Blade Future for Wind Turbines - The Green Optimistic - - One of the big problems with wind power is the disturbing noise generated by wind turbines. Also, they kill a lot of birds. Now, what VIVACE does for Hydro, Bladeless Vortex does for wind. It uses a principle known as vorticity to create a silent, less expensive, much more durable wind generator that's harmless to birds. For lots more details, go directly to the Vortex Bladeless website. ***
Carrollogos - Can You CC License Music and Still Make Money - - Yes. How much? A lot.
Fish technology draws renewable energy from slow water currents - University of Michigan News - - VIVACE is hydroelectric technology that doesn't require dams, is harmless to marine life and works in areas with currents too slow for other hydroelectric generators.
Immigrant Moms Were Told They Cant Have Jobs - So They Started Their Own Tamale Co-op - - Un-documented immigrants escaping exploitation at home, arrive here and face more exploitation from employers. Not these women. They can't be legally employed, so they started their own business, a worker's cooperative
In Concord, the new price of literary luster -0- The Boston Globe - - No small press makes much money... Why don't we just try to inspire generosity instead?
Strategies for Financing the Inclusive Economy - - - Part 3 of a three part pdf series on broad-based ownership models (Coops, Esops, CDFIs, municipal ownership, etc.) Parts one and two are linked on the page.
Video- Break the Chains, Build Local Power - Institute for Local Self-Reliance - - If you're not already familiar with the Institute for Local Self Reliance, this is a great introduction.
Vortex Bladeless - No Blade Future for Wind Turbines - The Green Optimistic - - One of the big problems with wind power is the disturbing noise generated by wind turbines. Also, they kill a lot of birds. Now, what VIVACE does for Hydro, Bladeless Vortex does for wind. It uses a principle known as vorticity to create a silent, less expensive, much more durable wind generator that's harmless to birds. For lots more details, go directly to the Vortex Bladeless website. Locality - Local examples of how people are making their visions of sustainability real.