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GreenSense DirectoryPolicy
America's Monopolized Energy Sector . . . and How We Can Fix It - - You've heard about monopolies in Banking, Broadband, Tech, and Retail, but there's another sector that's using monopoly power to extract wealth from all of us via our monthly electricity bill. In fact, the vast majority of the $360 billion/year we spend on electricity goes to a small number of corporations who, surprise! surprise!, are taking the money they should be spending to make our power green, safe, and cost-effective and using it to fatten their shareholders wallets.
This is how we fix the problem. The full report is here.
Community Indicators Projects on the Web - - Inspired by the idea of Genuine Progress Indicators, People around the world are taking a fresh look at Progress and how it really affects their lives and communities. Here are Links to the websites of over seventy community indicators projects.
Vermont Employers Who Lean Into Family-Friendly Perks Find That Their Workforce Stays Strong - - Companies nationwide are having problems getting and retaining workers. One of the reasons is the disdain those employers have for the family-related needs of their employees. This story showcases some Vermont employers who've discovered that taking those needs seriously and providing support instead of disdain makes workers want to stick around. ***
America's Monopolized Energy Sector . . . and How We Can Fix It - - You've heard about monopolies in Banking, Broadband, Tech, and Retail, but there's another sector that's using monopoly power to extract wealth from all of us via our monthly electricity bill. In fact, the vast majority of the $360 billion/year we spend on electricity goes to a small number of corporations who, surprise! surprise!, are taking the money they should be spending to make our power green, safe, and cost-effective and using it to fatten their shareholders wallets.
This is how we fix the problem. The full report is here.
Community Indicators Projects on the Web - - Inspired by the idea of Genuine Progress Indicators, People around the world are taking a fresh look at Progress and how it really affects their lives and communities. Here are Links to the websites of over seventy community indicators projects. HORIZON - - A showcase for new solutions to common world problems. Horizon works In collaboration with the United Nations, Harvard and Yale universities, and Canada's International Development Research Centre.
You'll find academically reviewed case studies of Commercialization of Biomass Stoves in Africa; Rural Solar Energy Development in the Sudan; Photovoltaics for Household and Community Use in Zimbabwe and much more.
Poor But Prosperous - - It's one of the poorest states in one of the world's poorest nations, with a GDP of $1000 per person per year. Yet it has a literacy rate of 90%, low infant mortality, and a birth-rate lower than The U.S. or Sweden. How do they do it? Seeing the Light: Regaining Control of Our Electricity System - - California has shown how electricity de-regulation can harm consumers. Here is a wealth of information on how your state can avoid a similar fiasco.
Topics include: Decentralizing Authority and Control, Decentralizing Capacity, Protecting the Environment, Protecting People. There are lots of examples of good policies already in place in various states. Don't get lost in the dark! Familiarize yourself with these ideas and contact your representatives - They need your input!
The New Rules Project - Designing Rules As If Community Matters - - Your community wants to limit sprawl and other community-destroyers, but where do you start? The New Rules Project identifies rules that honor a sense of place and prize rootedness, continuity and stability as well as innovation and enterprise. It contains a growing storehouse of community and local economy-building rules--laws, regulations, ordinances, statutes.
Vermont Employers Who Lean Into Family-Friendly Perks Find That Their Workforce Stays Strong - - Companies nationwide are having problems getting and retaining workers. One of the reasons is the disdain those employers have for the family-related needs of their employees. This story showcases some Vermont employers who've discovered that taking those needs seriously and providing support instead of disdain makes workers want to stick around.