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GreenSense DirectoryCommunity
50 Ways Communities Can Revive Local Independent Businesses - - Lots of practical ideas from Stacy Mitchell of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance.
Cooperation Between Hunter-gatherers Accelerated Human Evolution - - The original social media – and why it worked so well.
Retail Demand and Supply Analysis - - Free downloadable MS Excel software to help communities complete the calculations for 39 specific retail categories commonly found in downtown districts.
Smart Downtown Parking - - "Smart Downtown Parking strives to meet the increasing demands of motorists needing a place to park in downtown while sustaining and enhancing the hallmarks of a healthy downtown, namely high density, a pedestrian-friendly environment, and a strong sense of place. Moreover, SDP recognizes that parking, while important, should not detract from the intrinsic hallmark features that make downtowns lively places to visit, work, shop, and live." The Community Justice Center - - It's pretty obvious that our present adversarial, criminal justice system is badly flawed. Even when it works, it leaves a costly trail of ruined lives - both criminals and victims - and impoverished communities. Restorative Justice is a process for creating solutions that enrich everyone, not just the lawyers and prison builders. Instead of dwelling on punishment and revenge, restorative justice "elevates the position of victims and the community in the justice process, allows for direct participation of community members in delivering justice, and holds offenders directly accountable to the victims and communities that have been harmed".
Have a look at how this idea is being applied in Burlington, VT.
UW Extension - Community Indicators - - There is a wealth of census and other useful data available that could be useful to people who want to take an active role in shaping their community's future. Unfortunately, data without analysis is useless. The University of Wisconsin has developed a set of tools that make it easy to identify and analyze issues. Excel spreadsheets, documents, and Power Point presentations provide easy access to a variety of community indicator data about Wisconsin communities compared to each other and to US and regional figures.
The spreadsheets could easily be adapted to anywhere in the US by simply replacing the data. ***
50 Ways Communities Can Revive Local Independent Businesses - - Lots of practical ideas from Stacy Mitchell of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance.
Community in 17 Sensible Steps - - By Wendell Barry. A useful checklist of things to consider when thinking about strengthening one's community.
Cooperation Between Hunter-gatherers Accelerated Human Evolution - - The original social media – and why it worked so well.
E-DEMOCRACY - - Here's a good model for keeping tabs on the next election in your state. This Minnesota website follows current election news and information, and provides candidate/constituency interaction. Including E-Debate postings from candidates for Governor.
Free-Nets & Community Networks - - The more people have access, the more democratic our society can be. Look here to find a freenet near you, or to find out how to start one.
GRACE - - means Grass Roots Art and Community Effort and it's been highly successful at discovering, developing and promoting visual art produced mainly by elderly, self-taught artists in rural Vermont. One secret of their success is their unique emphasis on facilitation, rather than instruction, an approach which empowers their clients and encourages the process of self-discovery.
Green Maps - - "chart the sites of environmental significance in urban places- outstanding places of natural beauty, farmers markets and green businesses, ecologically-designed buildings, environmental centers, bike paths and solar sites, and more, even the infrastructure and the toxic hot spots." There are currently (6/02) 170 Green Maps Projects, of which 79 have been completed. The completed maps include Copenhagen, New York City,Utrecht, Montreal, Kyoto, Adelaide, and more in 37 Countries. Find out how to create a Green Map for your community...
InContext - - A free online journal about positive things people are doing. A great source for ideas and optimism.
Retail Demand and Supply Analysis - - Free downloadable MS Excel software to help communities complete the calculations for 39 specific retail categories commonly found in downtown districts.
Smart Downtown Parking - - "Smart Downtown Parking strives to meet the increasing demands of motorists needing a place to park in downtown while sustaining and enhancing the hallmarks of a healthy downtown, namely high density, a pedestrian-friendly environment, and a strong sense of place. Moreover, SDP recognizes that parking, while important, should not detract from the intrinsic hallmark features that make downtowns lively places to visit, work, shop, and live." The Community Justice Center - - It's pretty obvious that our present adversarial, criminal justice system is badly flawed. Even when it works, it leaves a costly trail of ruined lives - both criminals and victims - and impoverished communities. Restorative Justice is a process for creating solutions that enrich everyone, not just the lawyers and prison builders. Instead of dwelling on punishment and revenge, restorative justice "elevates the position of victims and the community in the justice process, allows for direct participation of community members in delivering justice, and holds offenders directly accountable to the victims and communities that have been harmed".
Have a look at how this idea is being applied in Burlington, VT.
The People's Court - - American justice typically benefits no one, except lawyers and prison builders. Read about a solution developed by Mahatma Gandhi's spiritual successor, Harivallabh Parikh. It's beingused to resolve thousands of disputes, from minor disagreements to murder, in such a way that people are brought closer together, not driven farther apart.
UW Extension - Community Indicators - - There is a wealth of census and other useful data available that could be useful to people who want to take an active role in shaping their community's future. Unfortunately, data without analysis is useless. The University of Wisconsin has developed a set of tools that make it easy to identify and analyze issues. Excel spreadsheets, documents, and Power Point presentations provide easy access to a variety of community indicator data about Wisconsin communities compared to each other and to US and regional figures.
The spreadsheets could easily be adapted to anywhere in the US by simply replacing the data.