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GreenSense DirectoryStuff
Michelle's Organizing 'The Stuff' Tips - - A nice set of suggestions organized by type of stuff: pictures, Boots and Gloves, Happy Meal Toys, Christmas Decorations, Junk Drawer Stuff, Extra Blankets And Bedspreads, Bills, Board Games, and Kids Craft Supplies [15k] ***
Michelle's Organizing 'The Stuff' Tips - - A nice set of suggestions organized by type of stuff: pictures, Boots and Gloves, Happy Meal Toys, Christmas Decorations, Junk Drawer Stuff, Extra Blankets And Bedspreads, Bills, Board Games, and Kids Craft Supplies [15k]
Stuff Owns You - - and this article, from The Gentle Survivalist, draws on Native American tradition to come up with some great suggestions for what to do about it.[9k]
Stuff - - An uncommon look at a day in the life of some very common stuff. From Northwest Environment Watch.
The Messy Homemaker - - Get Organized! One woman's personal account of her ultimately successful struggle with clutter.