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GreenSense DirectoryBody CareWhat you put on your bodyWhat you put on your body
10 Synthetic Cosmetic Ingredients To AVOID - - A ten "most wanted" list.
Avoidable Exposures- Consumers - - A thorough listing of Foods, Beverages, and Household Products to avoid, provided by the Cancer Prevention Coalition.
Cosmetics Unmasked News & Updates - - More on cosmetics issues.
The Truth About Sunscreens & Personal Care Products - - According to the research reported here, sunscreens give users a false sense of security: While they effectively prevent sunburn, they do little or nothing to prevent skin cancer or the accelerated aging of the skin caused by sunlight.
Toxins and Harmful Chemicals Commonly Found in Shampoos and Other Personal Care Products - - 10 of the most unwanted ingredients that may be in your personal care and beauty aid products. ***
10 Synthetic Cosmetic Ingredients To AVOID - - A ten "most wanted" list.
Avoidable Exposures- Consumers - - A thorough listing of Foods, Beverages, and Household Products to avoid, provided by the Cancer Prevention Coalition.
Cosmetics Unmasked News & Updates - - More on cosmetics issues.
The Truth About Sunscreens & Personal Care Products - - According to the research reported here, sunscreens give users a false sense of security: While they effectively prevent sunburn, they do little or nothing to prevent skin cancer or the accelerated aging of the skin caused by sunlight.
Toxins and Harmful Chemicals Commonly Found in Shampoos and Other Personal Care Products - - 10 of the most unwanted ingredients that may be in your personal care and beauty aid products.