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A Simple Bully Buster- Cooperative Learning - - Schools everywhere are concerned about bullying. Maybe it would help to encourage them to cooperate rather than compete. A study of 217 kids in grades 3-5 found that cooperative learning experiences fostered cooperative personalities and promoted kind, helpful behavior toward their classmates. These kids were less likely to act aggressively toward their peers and try to do them harm than kids who favored competition.
Consequences of U.S. and Dutch Approaches to Teen Sex - - The way parents talk about sex to their kids has a dramatic effect on things like rates of contraceptive use, teen pregnancy, abortion, and STI transmission
Cultural Studies - Mean-Girl Bullying Trickles Down to Grade School - - - Media and society in general has become increasingly un-civil. What could possibly go wrong? If only trickly-down economics worked as well!
How to Teach Kids to Better Manage Life's Disappointments - - Life is rich with disappointments. As adults, we know that our perceived quality of life, and much of our success, is influenced by how we cope with disappointment. The better you are coping, the better you feel. It's not a skill we're born with, but one we have to learn or we become adults who limp through life blaming, whining and sulking instead of growing and thriving.
This is a short, practical guide to helping children learn to process and manage disappointments in ways that will serve them well as they grow into adults.
Lives in the Balance and Dr. Greenes approach - - A new, neuroscience-based approach to children and challenging behavior.
Op-Ed Contributors - There’s Only One Way to Stop a Bully - - - A NYT op-ed on what works and what doesn't in anti-bullying programs.
The Powerful One-Liners Every Parent Needs - - What you say to your kid in a tense situation can have long-lasting effects, positive or negative. Because it's an emotionally loaded moment for both you and your child, it's easy to slip into saying something that will hurt rather than help. This excellent article suggests a set of easy to remember, but much much better alternatives.
The Science behind your Teenager's Brain - - A nice graphic on the Teenage Brain.
The Wisdom of Babies - Greater Good - - Learn about Roots of Empathy, an evidenced-based program that brings babies into school classrooms in order to break the intergenerational cycle of violence and abuse.
What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong - Mother Jones - - This article describes a new approach to kids' behaviorial issues that's having great success in schools, family homes, and even correctional facilities.
What the U.S. Can Learn from the Dutch About Teen Sex – TIME - - What do you get when you view teen sexuality as frightening and dangerous, as we do in the U.S., instead of normal and healthy, as in the Netherlands? Eight times as many babies, up to 19 times as many STDs (Depending on which STD), and shallow relationships driven by male desires for pleasure, rather that loving, respectful relationships. ***
A Simple Bully Buster- Cooperative Learning - - Schools everywhere are concerned about bullying. Maybe it would help to encourage them to cooperate rather than compete. A study of 217 kids in grades 3-5 found that cooperative learning experiences fostered cooperative personalities and promoted kind, helpful behavior toward their classmates. These kids were less likely to act aggressively toward their peers and try to do them harm than kids who favored competition.
Consequences of U.S. and Dutch Approaches to Teen Sex - - The way parents talk about sex to their kids has a dramatic effect on things like rates of contraceptive use, teen pregnancy, abortion, and STI transmission
Cultural Studies - Mean-Girl Bullying Trickles Down to Grade School - - - Media and society in general has become increasingly un-civil. What could possibly go wrong? If only trickly-down economics worked as well!
How to Teach Kids to Better Manage Life's Disappointments - - Life is rich with disappointments. As adults, we know that our perceived quality of life, and much of our success, is influenced by how we cope with disappointment. The better you are coping, the better you feel. It's not a skill we're born with, but one we have to learn or we become adults who limp through life blaming, whining and sulking instead of growing and thriving.
This is a short, practical guide to helping children learn to process and manage disappointments in ways that will serve them well as they grow into adults.
Lives in the Balance and Dr. Greenes approach - - A new, neuroscience-based approach to children and challenging behavior.
Op-Ed Contributors - There’s Only One Way to Stop a Bully - - - A NYT op-ed on what works and what doesn't in anti-bullying programs.
The Powerful One-Liners Every Parent Needs - - What you say to your kid in a tense situation can have long-lasting effects, positive or negative. Because it's an emotionally loaded moment for both you and your child, it's easy to slip into saying something that will hurt rather than help. This excellent article suggests a set of easy to remember, but much much better alternatives.
The Science behind your Teenager's Brain - - A nice graphic on the Teenage Brain.
The Wisdom of Babies - Greater Good - - Learn about Roots of Empathy, an evidenced-based program that brings babies into school classrooms in order to break the intergenerational cycle of violence and abuse.
What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong - Mother Jones - - This article describes a new approach to kids' behaviorial issues that's having great success in schools, family homes, and even correctional facilities.
What the U.S. Can Learn from the Dutch About Teen Sex – TIME - - What do you get when you view teen sexuality as frightening and dangerous, as we do in the U.S., instead of normal and healthy, as in the Netherlands? Eight times as many babies, up to 19 times as many STDs (Depending on which STD), and shallow relationships driven by male desires for pleasure, rather that loving, respectful relationships.