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GreenSense DirectoryBreastfeeding
Extended Breastfeeding Fact Sheet - - Details on the nutritional, immunological, social and psychological benefits of Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of cancer, allergies, ear infections, and much more. Supporting citations here. ***
10 Great Things to Know About Breastfeeding - - Covers the health and many other benefits of breastfeeding to mother and baby. 10 things new mums need to know about breastfeeding and 10 things you need to know before you start breastfeeding give practical tips for navigating the ups and downs. After all, breastfeeding is a learned art,
101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby - - Health reasons, economic reasons, personal reasons, they're all here, many of them complete with research citations. Enough, we think, to convince just about anyone. If you're already convinced, this page will make you feel even better about your decision.
A Natural Age of Weaning - - A Natural Age of Weaning|In the past few years we've come a long way from the naive belief that formula is as good as (or better than) mother's milk. We now realize that mother's is far superior. However, there is still controversy about how long the nursing relationship should go on. Anthropologist, Kathrine Dettwyler, PhD. has taken a novel approach to this question: She decided to look at our closest relatives, the primates. This article summarizes what she found.
Annelies Bon's Breastfeeding resources - - An incredibly thorough and helpful collection of annotated links. Topics covered include: Breastfeeding FAQs, Basic Practical Breastfeeding Information, Specific Practical Breastfeeding Information(BF and medications, preemies, dental caries, multiples, toddlers, day care, diet, etc.), Personal stories, Advantages, Advocacy, Pages for Health Care Providers and Lactation Experts, Supplies, Attachment Parenting, Newsgroups, Lists, and Organizations.[52k]
BreastMilk Does Every Body Good - - It's more than the perfect food...
Breastfeeding Info A to Z - - A definitive guide. If you have a question about breastfeeding, you'll probably find an answer here.
Breastfeeding Info A to Z - - A definitive guide. If you have a question about breastfeeding, you'll probably find an answer here.
Breastfeeding Survey - - Dr. Katherine Detwyler, an anthropologist who has studied patterns of breastfeeding in humans and primates worldwide, is conducting a survey on extended breastfeeding. These are the preliminary results of the survey.
Breastfeeding...Scientific References - - Scientific support for the benefits of breastfeeding on: IQ, allergies, prevention of SIDS, cancer and ear infections.
Extended Breastfeeding Fact Sheet - - Details on the nutritional, immunological, social and psychological benefits of Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of cancer, allergies, ear infections, and much more. Supporting citations here.
Growth Charts for Breastfed Babies - - If you talk to a lot of parents over time, it becomes obvious that real, healthy, breastfed children frequently fall off the growth charts, which are normed on formula-fed babies. Here is a set designed specifically for breastfed babies. (2k)
Tandem Nursing - - As an increasing number of mothers follow WHO guidelines and nurse for 2 yrs or longer, the number of nursing siblings increases as well. Mothers answer the question. "Why did you decide to tandem nurse?"(9k)
The cost of not breastfeeding - - This abstract, from The Journal of Human Lactation, archived at Medline, gives the details of the estimated 1 billion+ of yearly U.S. health care costs due to not breastfeeding.
Toxins and Breastfeeding - - Because of their worldwide distribution Dioxins and related toxins are showing up in breastmilk. Does this mean that women should limit or forego breastfeeding?
Why Nurse Toddlers? - Extended Breastfeeding - - If you're wondering, read this short, but persuasive article. Note: This article is archived, so some of the links in it may fail. Two other currently (2021) available articles are here and here.