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GreenSense DirectoryBooksHere is our collection of books we think you'll find helpful, entertaining and inspiring.Sometimes you need more detail and depth than the Internet can provide in a form that's easy on the eyes and never needs electric power. Sometime you just need a book.
Action - Books that focus on things you can do to live a more sustainable life. - Greed , Nature , Racism Balance - Recommended books for staying in Balance Community - Recommended books about creating sustainable communities Kid's Books - Welcome to our kids' books section, featuring reviews of great books, old and new. - Cats , Growing Up , Jewish Traditions , Learning Fun , Love , Olden Days , Summer , Winter Living - Recommended books about everyday, sustainable living - Art/Craft , Eco-Tips , Food and Body Care Models - Examples of how people are making their visions of sustainability real. - Agriculture , Policy Vision - Recommended books that envision how things could be, why they're not, and how to change them.