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GreenSense DirectoryArt/Craft - Making ThingsBooks about making things
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Beautiful Wedding Crafts - Making Timeless Gifts, Decorations, and Keepsakes - - by Heidi King and Nancy Worrell; Lark Publishing, 1999. Not just for brides, this book has projects that will appeal to every member of the wedding party. There are more than 50 easy, inexpensive projects to create for engagement, wedding, honeymoon and housewarming celebrations. Covers everything from engagement planner to wedding decorations. Some projects: ring bearer's pillow, hand stitched garter, and even etched champagne glasses! Buy it on Amazon.
Decoupage - Original ideas for Over 50 Quick and Easy Designs to Make in a Weekend - - by Juliet Bawden; Lark Publishing, 1998. If you're new to crafts this is a great place to start. All you need are scissors, glue, some old magazines, or greeting cards and this book to create more than 50 beautiful, useful things, everything from a romantic jewelry box to a colorful watering can. Buy it on Amazon.
Making Simple Musical Instruments - A Melodious Collection of Strings, Winds, Drums, and More - - by Bart Hopkin; Lark Publishing, 1999. Everything from a a flute made with plastic tubing to a wooden saxophone. This book shows you how to create 30+ outrageous, but highly playable instruments with everyday materials. Detailed instructions, along with lots of inside information about instruments that really work. Buy it at Bookshop. or buy it on Amazon.
Mosaics in a Weekend - - by Martin Cheek. Lots of inspiration and clear, well-illustrated instructions. Buy it on Amazon
The Art and Craft of Stonescaping - Setting and Stacking Stone - - by David Reed; Lark Publishing, 1998. Talk about frugal- With nothing but stone, a few simple tools, and this book, you can create stone walls,benchespaths and patios,, culverts, steps, and more. Every step is illustrated, inspiration is abundant. Buy it on Amazon.
The Fine Art of the Tin Can - Techniques and Inspirations - - by Bobby Hanson; Lark Publishing, 1999. This book inspires you with Wild and beautiful marvels of recycling, then teaches you the basics of cutting, shaping, riveting and soldering tin cans, and turns you loose to make toys, Tin Can Alley musical instruments, jewelry, sculptures and much more... Buy it on Amazon..
Tipis & Yurts: Authentic Design for Circular Shelters - - by Blue Evening Star; Lark Books, 1998. Laura Martin-Buhler attended a weekend workshop given by Blue Evening Star, who wrote the book. Read what Laura has to say about tipis, yurts, and this book in her article, Living in the Round. Buy it on Amazon. ***
Beautiful Wedding Crafts - Making Timeless Gifts, Decorations, and Keepsakes - - by Heidi King and Nancy Worrell; Lark Publishing, 1999. Not just for brides, this book has projects that will appeal to every member of the wedding party. There are more than 50 easy, inexpensive projects to create for engagement, wedding, honeymoon and housewarming celebrations. Covers everything from engagement planner to wedding decorations. Some projects: ring bearer's pillow, hand stitched garter, and even etched champagne glasses! Buy it on Amazon.
Decoupage - Original ideas for Over 50 Quick and Easy Designs to Make in a Weekend - - by Juliet Bawden; Lark Publishing, 1998. If you're new to crafts this is a great place to start. All you need are scissors, glue, some old magazines, or greeting cards and this book to create more than 50 beautiful, useful things, everything from a romantic jewelry box to a colorful watering can. Buy it on Amazon.
Making Simple Musical Instruments - A Melodious Collection of Strings, Winds, Drums, and More - - by Bart Hopkin; Lark Publishing, 1999. Everything from a a flute made with plastic tubing to a wooden saxophone. This book shows you how to create 30+ outrageous, but highly playable instruments with everyday materials. Detailed instructions, along with lots of inside information about instruments that really work. Buy it at Bookshop. or buy it on Amazon.
Mosaics in a Weekend - - by Martin Cheek. Lots of inspiration and clear, well-illustrated instructions. Buy it on Amazon
The Art and Craft of Stonescaping - Setting and Stacking Stone - - by David Reed; Lark Publishing, 1998. Talk about frugal- With nothing but stone, a few simple tools, and this book, you can create stone walls,benchespaths and patios,, culverts, steps, and more. Every step is illustrated, inspiration is abundant. Buy it on Amazon.
The Fine Art of the Tin Can - Techniques and Inspirations - - by Bobby Hanson; Lark Publishing, 1999. This book inspires you with Wild and beautiful marvels of recycling, then teaches you the basics of cutting, shaping, riveting and soldering tin cans, and turns you loose to make toys, Tin Can Alley musical instruments, jewelry, sculptures and much more... Buy it on Amazon..
Tipis & Yurts: Authentic Design for Circular Shelters - - by Blue Evening Star; Lark Books, 1998. Laura Martin-Buhler attended a weekend workshop given by Blue Evening Star, who wrote the book. Read what Laura has to say about tipis, yurts, and this book in her article, Living in the Round. Buy it on Amazon. Soap - Recommended books about soapmaking Wood - Recommended books about making things from wood