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Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic - - It's great that medicine is finally getting around to prioritizing evidence-based practice. But that begs the question, "Can the evidence be trusted?" A team of Greek doctors is discovering that the answer is, often, "not so much." This article describes their research and what they are finding about the extent of the problem (vast), why it's happening, and what doctors and patients might do in light of the situation.


A Doctor's View of MCS - - One of the many arguments for living a more simple life is the increasing incidence of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. No one knows exactly what causes it; many doctors don't believe it exists. Here's one who does because she suffers from it. An intelligent, even-handed overview of MCS- Causes, Symptoms, diagnosis and Treatment.[10k]

An Energetic Look At Fibromyalgia - - Fibromyalgia as a call for us to take care of our bodies, to make changes in our lives.

Cosmetics Fact Sheet - - When it comes to environmental risks, cosmetics are in a class all their own for three reasons: 1. Public perception of federal regulation far exceeds the reality. Qualities that make chemicals dangerous also may make them good cosmetics ingredients. 3. Skin is a sponge. It tends to absorb whatever touches it. This page has details about the special dangers associated with cosmetics.

Dispelling Vaccination Myths - - Plotting a health-care strategy for your family has never been more complicated. The question of vaccination is especially vexing. The task is not made easier by documented falsehoods from the health care establishment, hysteria from some of those opposed, and an appalling lack of research on long-term effects, This article, by Alan Phillips, provides an introduction to some of the issues involved. There are lots of references for further reading. (44k)

Economic and biological costs of cardiac imaging - - The individual risks may be small, but they add up fast when a procedure is used indiscriminately.

Estimated Risks of Radiation-Induced Fatal Cancer from Pediatric CT - - From Brenner et al. 176 (2)- 289 -- American Journal of Roentgenology

Fragrances and Perfumes Can Be Toxic - - Nerve toxins in perfume - a substance that's meant to be inhaled? What were they thinking?

GreenerPenny_ Phthalate-and Paraben-free Cosmetics List - - So many cosmetics contain Phthalates and/or Parabens that it's better to focus on the ones that don't.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic - - It's great that medicine is finally getting around to prioritizing evidence-based practice. But that begs the question, "Can the evidence be trusted?" A team of Greek doctors is discovering that the answer is, often, "not so much." This article describes their research and what they are finding about the extent of the problem (vast), why it's happening, and what doctors and patients might do in light of the situation.

Major Cosmetic and Toiletry Ingredient Poses Avoidable Cancer Risks - - Some details about DEA.

Our Bodies Have So Many More Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than We Thought - - EWG detected up to 420 possible carcinogens in people's bodies. This report, by the Environmental Working Group explains why.

Taking Care of Children - Check Out the Parameters Used for Helical CT - - A article review in the American Journal of Roentgenology warning that, at the same time that children are more likely to get cancer from radiation than are adults, kids are often getting double the dose they need when they get a CT scan.

X-Rays, Cancer and Heart Disease - - Review of a book by John Goffman, a nuclear physicist, medical doctor, and an expert on the effects of radiation on health. The book presents evidence that over 50% of the death-rate from Cancer,and over 60% of the death-rate from Ischemic Heart Disease, are induced by x-ray exposure.

Breast Cancer