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GreenSense DirectoryExpressive Art
Clay and stone, charcoal and paint, story and song, we've been making and being moved by art pretty much as long as we've been here.
Like Nature, Art, if we open ourselves to it, gives meaning and balance to life.
National Geographic Photographer Tips for Phone Photography, Examples - - An award-winning Nat. Geo photographer shares tips for using your phone to take more powerful photos. ***
National Geographic Photographer Tips for Phone Photography, Examples - - An award-winning Nat. Geo photographer shares tips for using your phone to take more powerful photos.
The Woman Who Made Vincent van Gogh - The New York Times - - Johanna van Gogh Bonger not only overcame entrenched sexism to single-handedly lead the world to appreciate her brother-in-law's work, she fundamentally changed the way we perceive art and aritsts today. To learn more about her and to see it all unfold, unfold, read her diaries.
Vincent van Gogh The Letters - - The genius of Johanna van Gogh Bonger, the woman most responsible for bringing Vincent van Gogh to public awareness was to realize the significance of his letters to his brother Theo. It was the content of these letters, and her passionate promotion of them as a key to understanding the paintings that would open the minds of important critics and artists to Vincent's art.
This site includes Vincent's many letters to his brother Theo, along with those to other artists. It's well organized, with facsimiles, translations, copious footnotes and explanations.