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GreenSenseSupper ClubHere' a simple, powerful way to bring more community into your life. My friend Will and I were out walking one cool October afternoon. In the midst of a rambling conversation about health, community, and diet, Will mused about how difficult it was for him to maintain a balance of these things, due at least in part to the way our society is structured these days. We discussed the usual alternatives- communal living, cohousing, etc., along with the drawbacks that make these solutions impractical for most of us - major committments of time, money, energy, etc.. Then we started to fantasize..What did he really need, at this moment, was there a solution that might be created...? We focussed on the idea of one healthy meal each day, along with a similar-sized dose of community, and came up with... SUPPER CLUB. Here is how it works: 1. Identify several friends or acquaintances you think you would enjoy sharing a meal with periodically. 2. Contact your list of people. Ask each one to agree to hosting a supper for the rest of the group, given the SUPPER CLUB GUIDELINES below. 3. Make a calendar with the chosen dates, contact info, and the SUPPER CLUB GUIDELINES. Send a copy to each participant (email makes this a snap!).
4. Watch in amazement as a thriving little community sprouts and grows in the midst of the urban or suburban desert.
HOSTS: Don't fuss; don't clean. Just make a simple, nourishing meal. Plan it so people can eat anytime between 6 & 7. If you want them to stay past 8, let 'em know. GUESTS: Let your host know you're coming at least 24 hrs. in advance. Plan to arrive between 6 & 7. Come as you are. You need bring nothing but your own sweet self, and occasionally, a friend if you wish. Feel free to eat and run, but be ready to leave by 8.
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