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World-Wide Guide to Swimming Holes Swimming Hole- Bellefonte Quarry, Bellefonte, PA
Swimming hole name: Bellefonte Quarry Water type: Spring-fed quarry Location: Bellefonte, PA. Centre County Directions: Take route 144 into bellefonte until you see a Penn State Sub Shop. Park in the shop parking lot, away from the building itself. Upon parking cross the street and walk behind the Cerro Metal Products building. At this point you will see a trail across a stream, traverse the stream and get on trail. Follow this trail until coming upon a dry quarry (lower Bellefonte Quarry). Walk the length of this quarry and climb the steep incline at the mouth. Continue straight and the high cliffs of the upper water quarry will be evident. Water temp: Varies due to the fact that it is spring fed. Swimmable Months: Memorial Day-Labor Day Type of bear that would swim here (Polar-Average-Teddy): Average Description: An abandoned limestone quarry with 40-60 ft. cliffs. Jumping off even the lowest cliff is exilerating. Higher jumps have specific names such as "The Trail" and "Maddog". These tend to be jumps that require a significant amount of outward leap to avoid hitting rocks. Bellefonte quarry is simply an "unsanctioned swimmer's" dream. With really no other way to enter the water short of a 40 ft. plunge it is truly all or nothing. This quarry is also frequented by rock climbers. Also beware of snakes, as any area in Central PA with rocks is frequented by snakes. Comments:
Size (1=tub, 10=lake) : 4, 10 (Size on a scale of 1 to 10) Long and narrow, and VERY deep. Beauty (1=yuck, 10=paradise) : 10 Comments on Beauty: Beauty is all relative. Access: (1=easy, 10=next to impossible): 8, but well worth it. Safety (10=very, very safe ): 1 Comments on Safety: NO WAY! Clarity(1=murk, 10=glass): 8 Beautiful emerald tint, with usually 20 feet of clarity. Features: Rocks for jumping Size: Amazing jumps. Swimsuit: Optional, but recommended. Submitted by: Trevin (trevindalton@hotmail.com)
For The Eastern U.S., also visit Tom Hilleg's excellent site, Swimming Holes East, which lists over 75 holes.
Tom also has a Related Links page for swimming hole-related sites for other areas of the U.S.
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